My good friend, Mayme Baumann, once asked,
"Want to buy some
Yummy Fabric?"
I thought..."This friend is either CRAZY, or has something amazing to show me." With a trip to the fabric store my adventure began with a purchase of yummy colored fleece in every color in existence. We made sweatshirts, gloves, scarves & hats to keep our little kiddo's warm in the cold Michigan winters we were enduring.
Thanks to Mayme I've been sewing strong for 18 years now. I've sewn everything from swimsuits, hats, jackets, prom dresses, aprons, duvet covers, and now I've become a quilter.
That's for Grandmas.
Yes, I said the same thing until I realized that...
Quilting is just like Graphic design, but with fabric!
And of course, I totally covet your graphic design degree. And your Illustrator software. . . Glad you joined the fabric trades!